6180 the moon Summary. This game does not yet have a wiki article. Please use the edit button up above to create one. 6180 the moon is a minimalistic puzzle-platforming video game developed by Turtle Cream and Jongmin Baek. The game's soundtrack was composed by Seongyi Yi and Chaeeun Kim. It was released September 19, 2014. The game follows the story of the Moon searching for the Sun after it has gone missing, leaving the people of Earth to suffer in an eternal night.
'6180 the moon' rises at Xbox One
Seoul, South Korea, Dec. 11th. 2015 - Finally '6180 the moon' released for Xbox One via ID@Xbox self-publishing program. Price is just 3.99$ (USD).
'6180 the moon' is very unique platformer. The top and bottom of the screen are connected so that you can jump over the screen and come out of the bottom, and vice versa. Plus it has astonishing ambient style soundtrack, which every gamer will adore. That's why it's picked by Experimental Gameplay Workshop at GDC 2013.
Originally, '6180 the moon' (Windows PC) released at 9th. Mar. 2013 via Indie Royale Debut Bundle. After that, they changed development tool, then launched improved version for Steam at 2014. http://store.steampowered.com/app/299660/ (for Windows / Mac / Linux)
Head of Microsoft's Xbox, Phil Spencer commented on it very well, after he played at TGS 2014, even tweeting his feelings.
Turtle Cream worked very hard to port original game to Xbox One. Then finally it came out!
* '6180 the moon' (PC) was featured for several bundle & showcase.
- Indie Royale the Debut Bundle http://www.indieroyale.com/newsletter/180
- Experimental Gameplay Workshop at GDC 2013 http://www.experimental-gameplay.org/
- Indiecade Showcase at E3 2013 http://www.indiecade.com/2013/E3_Games_2013/
- Not on Steam sale http://notonsteam.com/
- Best Indie Game at Tokyo Game Show 2014 by Famitsu http://s.famitsu.com/news/201410/10063304.html
* For review copies, please contact mrkwang@pig-min.com Review keys for Xbox One are available. (Also for Steam Keys for PC. Please specify your system when you ask.)
* Xbox One version is available worldwide, except for these countries. Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, and South Korea. Review key can't be redeemed in those countries.
* About Game
'6180 the moon' is a platformer game with a unique mechanic. It offers a fresh, unseen game play style by connecting the top and bottom of the screen. This allows in a mechanic with delightfully long jumps and no fear of 'slipping' to death. In addition to the unique gameplay, '6180 the moon' delivers a unique storyline. The Sun has gone. The Moon sets off on a journey to find the Sun. Along the journey will be hazardous courses and deep realizations.
'6180 the moon' is 2nd. commercial game by Turtle Cream. Their 1st. commercial game was Sweetest Platformer, 'Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory' at Steam.
* Quote by Critic & Key person (PC)
This one surprised me honestly since it's not a genre I particularly enjoy, but the unique screen-wrap mechanic and excellent music are enchanting. - Total Biscuit
worth getting it. another one we need on xb1. - Head of Microsoft's Xbox, Phil Spencer
Interesting Puzzler - Gameinformer
That game is Rad - Destructoid
A very Pretty thing - Rock, Paper Shotgun
Simple yet fun style of Gameplay - Indiegame HQ
6180 The Moon Download Free
* More information
Turtle Cream homepage (under construction, but has full game list.)
6180 The Moon Download Pc
Press kit (6180 the moon)
Xbox One Launch Trailer
PR contact (Interview, Review copies, etc.) :
mrkwang@pig-min.com (Pig-Min Agency)
About Turtle Cream:
'TuttleCream' started career as students of the Sogang Univ. Game education center in Korea. From 2011, they became independent studio. Their 1st. freeware 'Cut & Paste' got several positive feedbacks, 2nd. freeware'Sugar Cube' won IGF 2010 China Best Game. 1st. commercial game 'Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory' is available at Steam. '6180 the Moon' is their 2nd. commercial game, which is picked by 11th annual Experimental Gameplay Workshop.
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About Pig-Min Agency:
Pig-Min started as Indie Game blog for Korean at 2006. Pig-Min Agency started to support Korean Indie Games from 2009. It handles 2 teams, Arcshock('Sand castle - Prelude : The Faded Memories') and Turtle Cream('Sugar Cube: the Bittersweet Factory'). It also do promotion for 'Analogue: A Hate Story' Korean language version for Korean territory.
About Xbox One:
Microsoft and Xbox One are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
6180 The Moon
All trademarks are property of their respective owners.